Now let’s talk about stereotypes. Below is an individual activity where you’ll be asked to jot down a few stereotypes. The purpose of the activity is to open a dialogue about stereotypes.
A stereotype[1] is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
Flaws in perception caused by stereotyping
- Viewing as constant
- Selective perception
- Halo effect
- Contrast effect
Now that we have discussed the what stereotypes are and the impact they can have on decision making, lets discuss how to reduce perceptual shortcuts. Although we will talk about this in much more detail later in this module it is worth highlight now. First, notice what you notice by taking stock and owning the emotional response to various encounters. Interrogate your own reality. Then, be brave enough to have the courageous conversations needed to understand one another. This may involve being genuine and authentic enough to expose yourself a little – admitting what you do not know.
[1] Learn more about Stereotypes, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereotype